Monday 10 June 2013

Pilates for beginners exercise

Roll like a ball… and that’s your Pilates for beginners exercise. Here’s more for you to explore.

A classic Pilates exercise, rolling like a ball is is almost always included in Pilates mat classes.

Some people can roll up like a pill bug and have lots of fun with this exercise right away. For those of us with low backs that don't round as well, rolling exercises are a little more challenging, though they are worth the effort to develop. Rolling exercises stimulate the spine, deeply work the abdominals, and tune us into the inner flow of movement and breath in the body.


Rolling Like a Ball is a Pilates exercise that requires patience and persistence to be performed correctly.

You should practice it at least once during your Pilates program. Depending on your level of flexibility and strength, this can be a fun move to practice. It can be more challenging for those with tight lower backs, so perform a modified variation if needed. This pose massages your spine and improves balance. It also challenges your ability to maintain a C-curve in your upper body throughout the pose, which will strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. Remember to breathe smoothly throughout the move, connecting your breath with your movement in a seamless flow.


1.    Begin seated at the top of your mat. Bend your knees in toward your chest and hold onto your ankles. Extend your elbows and press your heels together. If you can't clasp your ankles, hold onto your shins and bend your elbows slightly.
2.    Pull your navel toward your spine, strongly engaging your abdominal muscles.
3.    Spread your knees slightly, then lift your feet off the mat to balance on your tailbone.


Essential Pilates for Beginners: Rolling like a Ball

Rolling like a Ball, one of the essential Pilates exercises for beginners, is described below and demonstrated in the accompanying video. This is an ab exercise, but when done properly, you should also feel a massage on your spine as you roll.

Prep for Rolling like a Ball by starting in a seated position on an exercise mat, with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and hands holding your ankles. Draw your abdominals in as you go into a C curve and then use your abdominals to lift your legs off the mat, continuing to hold your ankles and point your toes. Hold here, squeezing your inner thighs and looking at your knees to find the position.

1.    Inhale to roll back to your shoulder blades.
2.    Exhale as you roll back up onto the sit bones, using your abs to break at the top and being careful not to let your toes touch the ground. Balance there for a moment before repeating.


Practice hard and get great results with Pilates for beginners.

You may also like: Pilates Beginners

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