Tuesday 2 July 2013

The Hundred

The hundred is the classic Pilates exercise. It is also included in the Pilatesfor beginners exercise regime.

Photo Source:flickr.com
The hundred is a dynamic warm-up for the abdominals and lungs. It requires that you coordinate your breath with the movement, and be strong and graceful at the same time. It is challenging, but the hundred is an easy exercise to modify. See the tips at the end of the exercise description for modification ideas.
Here's How:
  1. Lie on your back with your legs bent in tabletop position with your shins and ankles parallel to the floor.
  1. Exhale: Bring your head up with your chin down and, using your abdominal muscles, curl your upper spine up off the floor to the base of your shoulder blades. Keep the shoulders sliding down and engaged in the back. Your gaze is down into the scoop of the abs.
Stay here and inhale.
  1. Exhale: At the same time, deepen the pull of the abs and extend your arms and legs. Your legs reach toward where the wall and ceiling meet in front of you. You can adjust them higher if need be, or lower for more advanced work.
    Your legs only be as low as you can go without shaking and without the lower spine pulling up off the mat.
    Your arms extend straight and low, just a few inches off floor, with the fingertips reaching for the far wall.
  2. Hold your position.
Take five short breaths in and five short breaths out (like sniffing in and puffing out). While doing so, move your arms in a controlled up and down manner - a small but dynamic pumping of the arms.
Be sure to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed. It is the abdominal muscles that should be doing all the work.
  1. Do a cycle of 10 full breaths. Each cycle is five short in-breaths and then five short out-breaths.
    The arms pump up and down -- about a 6-8 inch pump -- in unison with your breath.
    Keep your abs scooped, your back flat on the floor, and your head an extension of your spine, with the gaze down.

    *Breathing big is important. Breathe into your back and sides.

    Learn about lateral breathing
  2. To finish: Keep your spine curved as you bring your knees in toward your chest. Grasp your knees and roll your upper spine and head down to the floor. Take a deep breath in and out.
  3. Now that you've given it a go, refine your form with 10 Ways to Improve Your Pilates Hundred

Start by lying on your back with your arms at your sides and your legs bent. Your knees should sit above your hips, bent at a 90-degree angle. As you exhale, raise your head and arms off the floor while simultaneously extending your legs up at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Pump your arms up and down within a 6-inch range 100 times. Inhale for five pumps and exhale for five pumps. Keep your chin tucked in toward your chest, and focus on keeping your abs contracted as you perform the exercise.

The Pilates Hundred works the muscles of your abs and inner thighs, says "Fitness" magazine. The exercise may help improve lung capacity, lengthen the spine and strengthen the muscles around the ribcage. The intense exercise works the deepest layer of abdominal muscles, called the transverse abdominus. When strengthened, these muscles can give your torso a more slim and toned appearance.

A standing variation of the Hundred adds an aerobic element while strengthening your shoulders and triceps as well as your core. Lift one leg in front of you as you pump your arms, and switch legs every 10 pumps. You can vary the intensity of the basic movement by lowering or raising your legs. The closer your legs are to the floor, the more difficult the exercise will be.

The Pilates Hundred uses the weight of your arms and legs to provide the necessary resistance for the exercise. Besides a exercise mat, no special equipment is required to successfully perform the Hundred. If you're looking for an extra challenge, wear ankle or wrist weights as you perform the exercise.
Get to know more about the hundred here.

You may also like:Pilates Beginner

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