Friday 31 May 2013

Pilates for beginners: The hundred ,classic Pilates mat exercise

Pilates for beginners include The hundreds it is a dynamic warm-up for the abdominals and lungs. It requires coordination between your breath and your movement,

Here's How:

1.    Do a cycle of 10 full breaths. Each cycle is five short in-breaths and then five short out-breaths.

The arms pump up and down -- about a 6-8 inch pump -- in unison with your breath.

Keep your abs scooped, your back flat on the floor, and your head an extension of your spine, with the gaze down.

*Breathing big is important. Breathe into your back and sides.

2.    To finish: Keep your spine curved as you bring your knees in toward your chest. Grasp your knees and roll your upper spine and head down to the floor. Take a deep breath in and out.

3.    Now that you've given it a go, refine your form with 10 Ways to Improve Your Pilates Hundred


4.    Lie on your back with your knees bent and up in the air, your knees and hips forming 90-degree angles.

Your back should be in Neutral Spine. If this position feels like a strain on your lower back, try keeping your feet down on the floor for now.

5.    Inhale: Reach your arms straight up to the sky.

Your palms should be facing forward.

6.      Exhale: As you reach your arms back down to the floor, lift your head and roll up to the Pilates Abdominal Position with your shoulder blades just off the mat.

Think of squeezing a tangerine under your chin on the way up. Your palms gently slap the floor in a percussive rhythm.

7.      Inhale: Inhale deeply for 5 beats (keep the rhythm with your arms), using accordion breathing.

Accordion breathing is lateral chest breathing. Imagine that your rib cage is an accordion. On the inhale, the accordion expands laterally, and on the exhale, the accordion squeezes back together.

8.       Exhale: Using percussive breathing, exhale for 5 beats (saying shh, shh, shh, shh, shh).

Percussive breathing is forced exhalation using the abdominal muscles; think of forcing the air out in short percussive blows.

9.       Hold the position and continue pulsing your arms for 10 breaths.


This was the through detail about The Hundreds, this can be helpful guide to ‘Pilates for beginners’.

Related Article:

pilates beginners

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